Hi! I am Andrew Brabo

Website Developer



I'm certified in Computer Information Science

Languages I know:

HTML, CSS, C# and some JavaScript


Welcome to my profile!

This is Me!

This is a recent picture of me. I am 24 years old. I live in Willard, Mo. and am able to commute to work in Springfield.

I am currently looking for an entry website development position.

I have completed classes in C#, Website Development

Computer Applications in Business

Extra classes: Microsoft Office classes, and Accounting.

I am interested in taking more classes if needed for work.

This is a picture of me taken with my phone, a white male. long hair, chin beard, 6 foot tall

Andrew W Brabo

Explination of the site

The main page here is simple but I like the flow and colors with the simplicity.

I coded this page in html, also styled with css and a styling sheet

I have used font awesome for the little graphics like the logos and then used some image styling

images for the backgrounds. I also used a simple display block and padding for the spacing.

I used a simple responsive design to move the picture of me and my paragraph around to make the spacing of the images better on mobiles or small screens

The Second Link is my Restaurant Example

I have the same nav so it looks like your on the same page

I used a nice background for the top with info Then added 4 pictures with their backgrounds and colors!

Images are responsive and move to the size of the page by using flex box display to move the images around

Using Flex boxes I added a services and menu around a link to the location on a google maps page

Then I have three columns for the about the Restaurant

Lastly for the page I have a footer with a background image and info for the Restaurant

The Third Link is a Bootstrap Model

To show case my knowledge in Bootstrap i made a blank canvas if you will for a website

The page looks completely different on purpose to showcase the look of a completly different web page

This page only has one link leading you back to the main page

With light work and some image changes this website can be used for mutiple website ideas

All of the code on this page was design with Bootstrap

On this page I used navigation, cards, carosels, quotes, links and buttons

The Last Link takes you to a collection of my other work ENJOY!